Vilija Vitkute
Living with it


Projekt titel: Living ART Projekt skapat: 2014-07-10 Projekt ägare: Vilija Vitkute Filmlängd: 00h:08m:00s Genre: konstfilm Färdigställande datum: 2014-09-02 Synopsis short discription Professional artist, dancer and filmmaker from Sweden has been building a movie about human friendship with nature. The action happens in Iceland , the body painted dancer is dancing around the Iceland ( in national parks, around volcanos, icebergs, glasiers, atlantic ocean, cliffs, lava fields) the dancer tels story about the nature in her body language, she is exepting to be a part of nature - friend and go along with it. The art movie is from 5 to 6 minets is about making people to understand nature, living with it not againt´s it, to learn to listen and see the good site of nature. After lots of volcanos demadge done to Iceland, lots of trees and ground was lost, we are making a happy ending in our art film by heaving Iceland more green, with trees . We...

Projekt titel: Living ART

Projekt skapat: 2014-07-10

Projekt ägare: Vilija Vitkute

Filmlängd: 00h:08m:00s

Genre: konstfilm

Färdigställande datum: 2014-09-02


short discription

Professional artist, dancer and filmmaker from Sweden has been building a movie about human friendship with nature. The action happens in Iceland , the body painted dancer is dancing around the Iceland ( in national parks, around volcanos, icebergs, glasiers, atlantic ocean, cliffs, lava fields) the dancer tels story about the nature in her body language, she is exepting to be a part of nature - friend and go along with it.

The art movie is from 5 to 6 minets is about making people to understand nature, living with it not againt´s it, to learn to listen and see the good site of nature. After lots of volcanos demadge done to Iceland, lots of trees and ground was lost, we are making a happy ending in our art film by heaving Iceland more green, with trees . We will use 4 Elements at the dance : fire, wind, earth and water and the dancer which is body painted is going to dance contempory dance choreographed by Erika Sjöberg .

We are also making a documentary ( 4 minets) were we will talk about filmmaking process, idea, story about Iceland and the dream of heaving more trees and more.

Project people group are :

Omid Moradipoor - filmmaker/ Film effects/ Film editig

Vilija Vitkute - Director, body artist, photographer

Erika Sjöberg - Dancer, choreographe, actor.

David O´Neill . asistent

Project/ filming starts 2014 Juli 13 to 2014 Juli 21

Our group is going to Iceland 2014 Juli 13, to Reykjavik and all around Iceland.

The video is done in September.

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Bilder & Filmer



