Dreamline is a film about the magical power of dreams. It tells the story of Ptor Spricenieks’ life as a skier and adventurer, follows an astonishing spiritual and physical journey, and shows that dreams can come true. The film revolves around a recent expedition to Pakistan where some of the world's best big-mountain skiers together climb and ski Gashot, a magnificent adventure in a mind-blowing environment. It is an important milestone in the fascinating life of Ptor Spricenieks, which contains elements of physical achievements and spiritual coincidences that can only be explained by the power of dreaming. Dreamline blends historical footage from Ptor Spricenieks’ life, interviews with everyday people, and pioneering big-mountain action with some of the world's best athletes. It conveys a deep message that will inspire not only skiers, but also anyone who has ever had a dream; if you have the courage to follow your dreams, you can make them c...
Dreamline is a film about the magical power of dreams. It tells the story of Ptor Spricenieks’ life as a skier and adventurer, follows an astonishing spiritual and physical journey, and shows that dreams can come true.
The film revolves around a recent expedition to Pakistan where some of the world's best big-mountain skiers together climb and ski Gashot, a magnificent adventure in a mind-blowing environment. It is an important milestone in the fascinating life of Ptor Spricenieks, which contains elements of physical achievements and spiritual coincidences that can only be explained by the power of dreaming.
Dreamline blends historical footage from Ptor Spricenieks’ life, interviews with everyday people, and pioneering big-mountain action with some of the world's best athletes. It conveys a deep message that will inspire not only skiers, but also anyone who has ever had a dream; if you have the courage to follow your dreams, you can make them come true.